Streaming on too many devices message

You can stream Max on multiple devices at the same time. If you get the 'Your account is streaming on too many devices' message, it means you've reached the maximum number of devices that can stream at the same time for your plan.

The number of devices you can stream on at once depends on your subscription plan:

Plan Number of streams
Basic with Ads 2
Standard 2
Platinum 4

Here's how to find your subscription plan:

  1. In Max, do one of the following:
    • Phone, tablet, or computer: Choose your profile and then Subscription.
    • TV device: Choose the Settings icon cog (lower left) and then Subscription.
      (Only Adult profiles can manage devices.)
  2. Here you'll find your current plan. Explore Max plans.

To start streaming on another device, ask someone in your household to stop streaming Max. (After they stop streaming, you may need to wait a few minutes before you can start streaming on your device.)

For a list of devices signed in to your account:

  1. Sign in to Max on your phone, tablet, or computer. Can't sign in?
  2. Choose your profile, then Account and Devices.
    (Only Adult profiles can manage devices.)
  3. Here you'll find a list of devices signed in to your account (along with the sign-in date and country).
  4. To sign your account out of a device, choose the X beside a device.

For more info about managing devices using your account, go to Manage your devices.

Unfamiliar device?
If you don't recognize a device, go to Stop unwanted use of your account.